Thursday, June 19, 2014

Great Tuesday/Wednesday night rides around Waldo County...

If you're looking for some good riding this summer, look no further than the Tuesday/Wednesday night "Ken Specials."

Ken knows so many great roads around Waldo County with no traffic. He says that he has to pick new routes each week to keep Dana motivated. Whatever the reason, the rolling hills through blueberry fields and farmland is some of the best riding anywhere. Here's where we've headed each time I've gone this spring:

If you haven't made it out recently, I would highly recommend it. The pace is definitely rugged, but if you plan on doing more drafting than leading, it's a great workout even if you're out of shape (like me).

Ken takes a look at the weather at the start of the week, and we make a decision from there whether it will be a Tuesday or Wednesday night ride. Watch the BBC Google Group for details. The ride rolls at 6 pm from Birgfeld's in Searsport. We tend to get back around 8 pm.

Hope to see you there!
